About Us

By law and policy, child welfare agencies are mandated by the government to intervene in situations where children have suffered blatant abuse or neglect, leaving thousands of children and their families in difficult situations that do not meet this threshold.

With the changing economy, many families are experiencing financial crises, unemployment, and homelessness. Others are dealing with substance abuse, illness or incarceration. Many parents cannot provide their children a safe and caring environment during such emergencies.

Historically, the extended family or neighbours often stepped in to support parents by caring for children for short periods. However, many urban families are socially isolated, and their extended family is non-existent or unavailable, especially for newcomers to Canada. The children in a family traumatized by crisis become especially at risk for neglect or abuse as their parents struggle to cope with crushing circumstances and emotions.

These parents can voluntarily place their child(ren) with Safe Families and retain custody during the placement. They can come from any background and be referred by a school, hospital, church, pregnancy centre, homeless shelter, child welfare agency, or neighbour. They may also contact Safe Families themselves when in a time of crisis.

Safe Families Canada volunteers serve without compensation and are motivated by the compassion and grace they first received from Jesus Christ.