
Becoming Safe Families Canada Donor!

Safe Families Canada relies solely upon the generosity of individuals, organizations, churches and corporations. We need your help to continue providing a safety net for families in need. Your generous gift makes a world of difference for those who feel no hope, for those who doubt their future.

Safe Families Canada appreciates your generous support and prioritizes each gift towards your local community. Safe Families Canada reserves the right to utilize a portion of all donations in support of its National Operations in achieving the vision of the organization across Canada.


Donations to Safe Families Canada can be made as follows:

1 – Online (through Canada Helps)

Use the donation form below
Select the chapter or the general fund (where most needed) from the drop-down menu


2 -Cheques 
Please indicate the chapter name (or general fund) on the memo line

Mail cheques to: Safe Families Canada, PO Box 3029, Bur Oak Post Office, Markham, ON. L6E 0J1


3 – E-transfer,
Please indicate your full name, address and phone number (for tax receipt purposes),  along with the chapter name, in the message box


4 – Pre-Authorized Debit

Download form HERE

Once the form has been completed, kindly submit it to,


Registered Charity No.: 850841842 RR 0001