Values & Objectives

Core Values

Radical Hospitality

Open arms, open hearts, open doors. We welcome strangers into our homes and our lives to find hope, rest, and healing. Staff and volunteers are willing to host and serve others, being a role model to others of living out the welcoming/love of strangers (1 Peter 4:9; Hebrews 13:2; Romans 12:11-13).

Disruptive Generosity

Generous people are selfless, redemptive, and sacrificial. We give freely of our time, talents, treasure, and words (I Timothy 6: 17-19, Titus 3:14, 2 Corinthians 9:7-8, I John 3:17-18, Matthew 6:19-21, Acts 20:35; Matt 25:45, Proverbs 19:17; 2 Cor 8:2).

Compassion Fuelled by Mercy

We are moved by mercy to see and act to help those in need. Compassion allows us to “see” those in need which has to occur in order to act. Compassion means to “suffer with” and includes a desire to help alleviate that suffering (Mark 6:34; Galatians 6:2; Matthew 14:14; 1 Peter 3:8).


Core Objectives

1. Family Support and Stabilization: Many parents struggle because of limited informal social supports and unavailable extended family. Many Host Families become the extended family that a parent needs, as does the local church congregation.

2. Child Welfare Deflection: Safe Families Canada is a preventative measure, thus reducing the number of children entering the child welfare system.

3. Child Abuse Prevention: Providing an overwhelmed and resource limited parent with a safe, temporary place for their child without threat of losing custody can avert potential abuse/neglect episodes.

4. Strengthening Compassion Ministries of the Church: Participation in Safe Families Canada helps volunteers align their spiritual practice more closely with God’s commandments.  Some call it a movement of compassion while others respond to the idea of returning to Biblical hospitality.  Both concepts are embodied in the acts of loving a child, mentoring a parent or supporting the movement with goods and services.