Battlefords, SK Chapter *new chapter*

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Safe Families Canada |Battlefords

Safe Families Canada |The Battlefords
We are working with our launch team and excitedly connecting with our local churches, business communities and individuals.  The Battlefords is an amazing community with many families and excellent family programs.  However, there continues to be a need for families in crisis where the current services may have gaps or are already at capacity.  As a new Chapter, we are excited to see our local church volunteers rise to meet these needs in tangible ways.  We seek to bring opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in crisis in the Battlefords.  We are passionate about coming alongside families to provide support, connection, and community.

Chapter Director: Jessica Garcia-Driedger

Welcome to Jessica Garcia-Driedger, our Chapter Director for Safe Families Canada in the Battlefords, SK. When Jessica first heard of Safe Families Canada, she knew it was a ministry that aligned with her heart’s passion for reconciling people to God and each other. With a special interest in encouraging the church to live out the central message of Jesus, Jessica hopes to see the Battlefords transformed by the power and love of God through others.

Jessica has served as a mentor, leader, and teacher in several faith-based non-profit ministries. Her years as a Missions Coordinator, a Mental Health Support Worker and most recently, an Administrative Assistant at Catholic Family Services have helped prepare her for this role. She is honoured to use her experience, skills, and heart to serve the Battlefords and this community, now her home.

Her husband Braden, a native of the Battlefords, works for a local business. They have been happily married for five years. Together, they experienced a miracle when they welcomed their first son into their home last March. They cherish spending time with their families, exploring the outdoors, and working on home projects. Jessica is deeply grateful for the safety and warmth of her family and home. She is passionate about extending this same safety and goodness of God to families in crisis, inspiring them to find comfort and security in their own homes.

Jessica is thrilled to be serving God through Safe Families Canada. As she steps into this new role, she humbly requests your prayers. Your support is invaluable to her as she embarks on this journey.



Family Placement Coordinator: Denai Hemmerling

Denai’s professional journey is deeply rooted in faith in Jesus Christ and love for others. As a young child, she witnessed the transformative power of compassion and love in a family crisis, igniting a lifelong desire to emulate Jesus’s love for the hurting. Her own journey as a parent has further fueled this passion, expanding it to a steadfast commitment to serve and protect the family unit.

She has had the privilege of working with and developing many family-focused ministries and locally as a Youth Care Worker in The Battlefords. Her experience in ministry and social services has given her understanding, awareness and skills to encourage and support families in crisis. Denai is excited to use these skills and passions to serve in this role in Safe Families. She deeply cherishes The Battlefords and the people that make this place so special!

Denai enjoys spending time with her husband and their 3 kids in her off time. They enjoy campfires in their backyard, movie nights, hosting people in their home, and travelling!

Leadership Team Members

Our Leadership Council consists of a few members from the steering committee and some new members from our local churches. We are confident in their hearts for others and their collective experience in administration, ministry, accounting, social work, and parenting. We are honoured to have such a great group of individuals support the work of Safe Families Canada in the Battlefords. Please pray for the influence and impact they will have through their connections in the community.


Top Row: Collette Wiebe (Financial Mobilizer), Jardeth Hemmerling (Ministerial Representative), Elizabeth Driedger, Meagan Cockrill (Chair) Bottom Row: Francine Thomas (Prayer Coordinator), Launa Patrick, Daniela Coldwell (Treasurer) and Deb McNabb (not pictured)


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