London, ON Chapter

Get in touch with our London team by:

Safe Families Canada | London
250 Commissioners Road East, London, ON     N6C 2T1
Phone: 519-719-8494

Safe Families Canada | London – launched in July 2017 and has been able to walk with and serve families for a variety of reasons including health,, addictions, homelessness, and isolation. We have also been able to work with a variety of state and private agencies, the LHSC and numerous others, to serve families in crisis.


Chapter Director – Greg Stigge

Greg Stigge has been the Chapter Director for Safe Families in London since its launch in April 2017.  Greg’s 20 years of involvement in foster care and adoption has developed in him a strong passion to help families in crisis before a breakdown occurs and before the state needs to get involved. Greg and his wife have ten children.

Greg is fuelled in his serving by Prov. 31:8-9 that says “Speak up for those who have no voice, for the justice of all who are dispossessed. Speak up, judge righteously, and defend the cause of the oppressed and needy.” and by Isaiah 1:17  “learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow’s cause.”


Family Placement Coordinator – Natalie Plant

From a young age Natalie has had a desire to help those in need. While most young children might watch Saturday morning cartoons, she would watch the child sponsorship shows, cry, pray and wonder how she could help. Natalie grew up as missionary kid and now is married to her awesome husband Rhys who is a pastor in town. Together they have five spunky children. Natalie has a degree in community development, has worked in developmental supports and has been a foster parent. Natalie is empathetic to the struggles families can have and is keenly aware that we all need Jesus.

Family Coach Supervisor – Liz Hordyk
Liz Hordyk joined the London Chapter’s team in February 2024 as a part-time employee and is filling the role of Family Coach Supervisor. With a background in business administration and a passion for social justice, Liz has a desire to help people who are in crisis. She is excited to be a part of connecting host families and family friends with people who need a listening ear, a helping hand, and a loving heart. Although Liz has many diverse hobbies, her current ones include cooking international recipes, cuddling with baby goats, and reading classical literature.
Administrative Assistant – Michell Ryu
Michelle Ryu thanks God for this opportunity to help out with administrative duties in Safe Families London Chapter. She was looking for the Lord’s guidance after graduating from Western University and was asking what He was calling her to do next. God answered her prayer when he placed her with SFC London and she continues to seek His guidance and wisdom. Michelle has a heart for those that do not know the healing message of the Good News, as she too was once lost and dead in her trespasses just a few years ago. She believes that nobody is so far removed that God cannot redeem them. What carries Michelle throughout any circumstance is this:
“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18) May God be glorified in the work that is done in this ministry and may He give Michelle strength to serve joyfully, and be a cheerful giver all of her days.

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