Financial Transparency

How is your financial donation to Safe Families Canada used?

When you make a donation to Safe Families Canada, the funds go directly to the operations in your local chapter.*

Each chapter pays a monthly administration fee to our National Office to cover costs that assist all chapters such as insurance coverage, bookkeeping, human resources, secure document storage, legal council, financial audit, administration and the new Better Impact© database.

The annual fee is determined by the chapter’s previous year’s financial support.  New chapters start at $2500/yr; Chapters between $50,000-99,999: 10%; Chapters $100,000+: 15%.   These chapter fees are reviewed each year by the board according to the administration costs of the organization.

All of our chapters are financially efficient in their operations. Many of our staff work from home, with the exception of a few who have been provided with offices in the buildings of churches or other charities, at reduced or partial cost. We coordinate most of our activities with cell phones, laptops and personal vehicles. This means we do not have a large overhead costs. Additionally, the primary services we provide to families in crisis take place in the homes of our volunteers or public spaces as we connect and build supportive relationships with these families. This, again, means SFC doe not incur costs related to running a centre or building for service to take place in.

Furthermore, our selfless volunteers provide the majority of the service to families that we undertake. Our paid staff focus on recruiting, training, and supervising our volunteers, and coordinating all aspects of the local Safe Families Canada network.

As you will see below, more than 88.4% of our funding is used towards our charitable activities and less than 11.4% towards management and administration.

Safe Families Canada Financial Information for
Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2022


*Safe Families Canada reserves the right to utilize a portion of all donations in support of its National Operations in achieving the vision of the organization across Canada.