Abby’s Story

Safe FamiliesSeveral weeks ago, a woman, who I will refer to as Abby*, called our office line to ask for help caring for her three children because she needed to check into the emergency department for some unknown illness. After getting some basic details, I hung up and took a moment to pray that God would provide a solution. Time was of the essence. In God’s perfect providence, the mom of one of our newer Host Families was home and available to care for the kids and she lived only ten minutes away from Abby, a rare convenience in the GTA.

Abby checked into the ER thinking it would be a day at most before she would be home again. However, one day turned into two, which turned into three; the doctors diagnosed her with liver disease. Needless to say, it became apparent that Abby would need a few more days before she would regain enough strength to function at home. The severity of the disease is not yet known, but Abby wants to get back to good health so she can care for her children. She has no one else.

The three children had a great stay with their Host Family and told me they had lots of fun. The entire placement was simply an expression of Christ-like love. Had a Safe Family not been available, the children could have ended up in foster care leaving Abby with the added stress of trying to gain back custody. We avoided that possibility and helped keep the family together. And now, Abby is no longer alone.

Abby is just one example of the people we have been able to help through Safe Families. Thank you for continued prayers and support to make this movement of compassion possible!



*Name has been changed for privacy purposes.

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