Be A Safe Families Church


“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour”  (Luke 4:18-19).


Why not make Safe Families Canada part of your reopening plan. The need is greater than you think! Imagine the impact we could have if every church committed to not just getting back to normal but something even more beautiful.

Building a Network of Local Churches

The Safe Families outreach is only successful when it is embraced and adopted by the local church. Churches of all sizes are necessary to providing for vulnerable children within our communities.

Participating Church:

Manifesting the love and compassion of Christ by empowering, supporting, training and ministering to Host Families, other volunteers, and Placing Families within the Christian community. SFC Church Manual HERE

The activities of participating Churches include:

  1. Mentoring Safe Families: Providing support, education, and guidance to families hosting children in their homes.
  2. Recruiting Host Families: Showing a promotional DVD during services, hosting information tables, placing advertisements in bulletins and newsletters or on websites.
  3. Hosting Regular Support Groups: Providing opportunities for Host Families to meet together on a monthly or quarterly basis, building a sense of community and a network of support.
  4. Development of Support Services: Identifying professionals and non-professionals to provide support services to those that care for children including physicians, mental health professionals, lawyers, social workers, nurses, etc. Procuring volunteer babysitting, respite care, and transportation services for Host Families.
  5. Providing Resources: Developing a resource closet or center to help provide items for children placed within Safe Families. Including diapers, formula, car seats, clothing, blankets, and other supplies that Host Families may need when children enter their home.
  6. Assisting in Child Hostings
  7. Ministering to Placing Families: Families who have placed their child(ren) with a Host Family are in a crisis situation and need support, even after their children are returned to them. The participating Safe Families Church is encouraged to minister to them and care for their short-term and long-term needs, whether physical, emotional or spiritual.